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Løpet mot Det Hvite Hus 2016

Aldri har så mange kandidater trykket på for å bli republikanernes nominerte til presidentvalget 2016 i USA. Primærvalget vil bli nådeløst. Den demokratiske kandidaten Hillary Clinton forbereder seg i ro og mak - hun skal endelig sprenge glasstaket.Denne blogg gir løpende nyheter, meningsmålinger, analyser og innsikt i det som skjer i kulissene - for bedre å forstå aktørene, kreftene som er i sving, nederlagene og seirene. Din guide: Steinar Lindblom

Det er brev til deg

Det er brev til deg

Dear Reader,

The latest Fox News poll shows Ben Carson tied for first place with frontrunner Donald Trump!

The Fox poll released this week shows Ben Carson at 23 percent of the GOP vote, next to Trump at 24 percent.

That's a statistical dead heat.

But there is more good news. Ben's nearest competitor, Ted Cruz, was at 10 percent — 13 points behind!

And another important thing to remember is that a recent CBS poll found that if Donald Trump were to drop out of the race, most of his supporters would vote for Ben!

Clearly, Ben can win the Republican nomination.

Then there was the "other" news the media elites found shocking.

The Fox News poll found that in a head-to-head election Ben Carson would defeat Hillary Clinton by 50 percent to 39 percent!

What does this all mean?

First, Ben is resonating with Americans like you because he is talking about the values we share – and the greatness we can rekindle in the American spirit.

Second, he really can win the GOP nomination and the general election.

Because of more than 600,000 donations to his campaign, Ben is now able to run a competitive race and take on all the GOP establishment candidates.

In the coming weeks, Ben will increasingly become a target of the GOP establishment and the liberal media.

They fear his candidacy.

They fear his vision of limited government, more personal freedom, lower taxes, a growing U.S. economy and a U.S. military second to none.

They fear that he won't take orders from lobbyists and billionaires.

We need you to stand with Ben today.

You can show your support by donating to his campaign now.

In the coming weeks it's urgent we continue to show the massive support Ben has from people all across America.


Team Carson

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